KYBELLA®, Nonsurgical Enhancement, Nonsurgical Fat Reduction

KYBELLA®: Nonsurgical Treatment for the Neck & Chin Area

KYBELLA® Before & After PhotosDr. Jason Diamond is very excited to be among the first offices in Beverly Hills to offer KYBELLA®. KYBELLA® is a nonsurgical treatment that reduces fat in the neck area and underneath the chin. Treatment with KYBELLA® will be available in the upcoming months, and Dr. Diamond already has a waiting list of patients who are excited to start their treatments.

How KYBELLA® Works

KYBELLA® is an injectable drug that causes fat cells to rupture or burst. Once the fat cells have been destroyed, the lymphatic system excretes them from the body over several weeks following treatment. Treatment with KYBELLA® is performed in-office, similar to treatments with fillers or BOTOX® Cosmetic. For patients who would benefit from liposuction, KYBELLA® is just as effective, making it an excellent nonsurgical alternative to liposuction of the submental region beneath the chin. Patients may need one or more treatments to achieve their desired results; however, repeat treatments are unnecessary once the desired results have been achieved. Each treatment session lasts only a few minutes with minimal discomfort for the patient.

The Benefits of KYBELLA®

KYBELLA® injectable can treat moderate to severe submental fullness, more commonly referred to as a double chin. Some of the negative consequences of having excess submental fat include a more aged, heavier, and less attractive appearance. Because aging, genetics, and weight gain can all contribute to a double chin, it can be difficult to eliminate. Dr. Diamond uses KYBELLA® to reduce unwanted submental fullness, making patients look younger, thinner, and more attractive. This product is the one and only FDA-approved nonsurgical injectable drug that can effectively improve the appearance and contour of the submental region. With completely customized treatments and the expertise of renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Jason Diamond, KYBELLA® can completely change the appearance of your face, chin, and neck.

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Diamond to learn more about how treatment with KYBELLA® could help you. Call our office at (310) 859-9816 in Beverly Hills or fill out our online contact form today to take advantage of Dr. Diamond’s exclusive new treatment with KYBELLA®.

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