Beverly Hills Neck Lift
Visible signs of aging along the neck and jawline can cause a person to look older, tired, and worn out. Often, severe signs of aging require surgical correction. Diamond Facial Rejuvenation is a comprehensive collection of surgical procedures that restore youthful contours and collectively bring a beautiful and natural result.
Neck lift surgery is a Diamond Facial Rejuvenation technique that can reduce signs of aging caused by time, heredity, and gravity. A “turkey waddle” and double chin can be diminished during neck lift surgery to provide a beautifully shaped neckline. Neck lift surgery can help a patient look nearly 10 years younger by removing hanging skin and excess fat from the neck and jowls.

Female, Neck Lift, Revision Facelift, Chin Augmentation, Lip Lift, Facial Fat Grafting
Each individual case is, of course, different, and the results of surgery will vary from individual to individual.
Achieved With Neck Lift Surgery
A More Youthful Look
Diamond Facial Rejuvenation with a neck lift can provide a more youthful and rejuvenated look. During neck lift surgery, Dr. Diamond will remove loose, hanging skin from the neck and excess fatty deposits from under the chin to create a much younger appearance.
Diminished Lines and Wrinkles
Fine lines and wrinkles along the neck and jowls develop due to loose facial skin. During neck lift surgery, Dr. Diamond will tighten the skin that creates these bothersome signs of aging. Neck lift patients can expect a reduction in the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
Tighter Neck and Jawline
When there is excess skin and fat along the jawline, the lower portion of the face can look saggy and lax, often making a person appear older than their true age. After removing this excess tissue, the skin is pulled back to tighten the entire neck and jawline.
Overall, patients can expect to achieve a tighter, more defined neck and jawline.
Dr. Diamond customizes each neck lift surgery to the patient’s needs and desires. He has operated on different types of people around the world and will create a surgical plan that provides natural-looking results that do not look “pulled back.”
Addressing Any Concerns You May Have
How Long Is My Neck Lift Recovery?
After surgery, a bandage will be placed over the face and neck to reduce swelling and bruising. Dr. Diamond will provide you with specific instructions on how to properly care for surgical sites and drains. It is recommended that your head is kept straight and elevated higher than your heart to minimize swelling.
Will There Be Scars After My Neck Lift?
Incisions will be made along the hairline at sideburn level and continue around the ear before ending in the posterior hairline. After incisions have healed, patients will notice their scarring is hidden along the hairline and within the contours of the ear.
Is Neck Lift Surgery Painful?
Patients should expect some pain due to swelling and bruising.
Dr. Diamond will prescribe oral medications to help to ease pain or discomfort.
See the Difference
Frequently Asked Questions About Neck Lift Surgery
Who is a good candidate for neck lift surgery?
Patients with excess wrinkling of the neck, a double chin, or jowl lines they would like corrected may be neck lift candidates. Before undergoing surgery, it is important that patients are in good health and have realistic expectations.
If you are considering a neck lift as part of your Diamond Facial Rejuvenation, Dr. Diamond requires that you are in optimal health without any health concerns that could impair your ability to heal. This includes having a healthy mindset and being at a healthy and stable weight.
What type of anesthesia is used during neck lift surgery?
Neck lift surgery will be performed under intravenous sedation or a general anesthetic. Dr. Diamond will recommend the best sedation to be used for your surgery.
Can I combine neck lift surgery with any other Diamond Facial Rejuvenation procedures?
Diamond Facial Rejuvenation makes it possible to look 10 years younger with one surgery. This collection of surgical techniques can combine facelift surgery, brow lift surgery, eyelid surgery, and facial fat transfer to turn back time and bring beautiful and natural results. Dr. Diamond can help you decide on the most appropriate procedure(s) to help achieve your desired results.
How long will my neck lift surgery results last?
Patients can expect long-lasting results they can enjoy for many years. The duration of time that results last depends on the patient’s habits and genetics, such as smoking, drinking, and the amount of facial aging over time.
How much will my neck surgery cost?
An in-person consultation appointment is needed so that Dr. Diamond can determine the best approach to your surgery. At that time, he will be happy to provide an accurate cost estimate.
See the Difference
What should I expect during my consultation?
During your consultation, Dr. Diamond will examine the condition of your face to determine the best approach for your neck lift surgery.
Will my neck lift surgery be painful?
You may experience some moderate pain and tightness along the treated area, but this should resolve after a few weeks.
Where will the incisions for my procedure be placed?
During your neck lift surgery, incisions are typically placed under your chin.