Cheek Lift, Facelift, In-Office Facial Sculpting

A Cheek Lift or Facelift for Natural-Looking Results

Cheek Lift and Facelift Before and After PhotoAny facial procedure at the hands of an unqualified or inexperienced surgeon can leave the familiar “windswept” look commonly reported by the media. Botched results like these are the outcome of “cookie-cutter” facial procedures that involve the same calculated techniques applied to every patient regardless of their unique facial anatomy or desires for the procedure.

Many men and women seek Dr. Jason B. Diamond’s expertise in facial cosmetic surgery because they fear these unnatural-looking results and desire a customized approach. No matter which procedure you choose, Dr. Diamond will make adjustments and suggestions that will give you the natural-looking result you desire. To begin, you must know where you want improvement and to what extent you would like improvement. Dr. Diamond will take care of the rest.

What do you desire?

Dr. Diamond’s facelift is the ideal starting point for those who want improvement for the following issues:

  • Wrinkles and sagging skin in the midface
  • Sagging skin in the jawline and neck

Dr. Diamond’s facelift will improve the signs of aging in the lower third of the face and the neck only. This procedure can be combined with other procedures, such as the brow lift, to also address issues in the upper face. Dr. Diamond offers a non-surgical facelift option for patients who do not have significant sagging skin but want improvement for fine lines, wrinkles, and hollows.

A cheek lift is more appropriate for patients whose biggest complaints include the following:

  • Droopy cheek tissue
  • Cheekbones that are not prominent

The cheek lift will provide definition and youthfulness to the cheekbones, and it can also correct hollows around the eyes and lines around the nose and mouth. The main difference between a facelift and a cheek lift is that a facelift addresses excess skin and wrinkles in the neck and a cheek lift doesn’t. Dr. Diamond also uses a different technique with the cheek lift that elevates the cheeks upward rather than to the side to provide the most natural-looking results. With the use of an endoscope and very small incisions and instruments, Dr. Diamond repositions the existing tissues in the face to provide youthful fullness where needed.

Patients who do not show wrinkles or other signs of aging may wish to improve the shape of their cheeks with Dr. Diamond’s in-office facial sculpting procedure. This procedure non-surgically augments the bony structure of the patient’s face to provide the ultimate definition.

Dr. Jason B. Diamond can customize any of his facial procedures to help you achieve your desired results. To schedule a consultation, please call (310) 859-9816 or fill out our online contact form today.