Body Enhancement, Liposuction

Who Is a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

Woman pinching abdomen with her fingers measuring belly fat (shutterstock_98660858)Liposuction is a procedure that contours various areas of the body. Using a special device called a cannula, fat is permanently removed from the body via suction. In many instances, individuals seek this procedure when diet and exercise alone fail to get rid of stubborn fat deposits. Although this type of treatment is very safe and effective on most people, there are a few key factors that make a person an ideal candidate for liposuction.

Good Health

Being in good health includes more than just the physical aspect of health. Patients must also be emotionally stable and have realistic expectations about the outcome of liposuction to ensure they are fully ready to undergo the procedure.

Skin Elasticity

Even though age is not a major consideration for undergoing liposuction, younger the patients usually attain better results. This is because elasticity and firmness of the skin tends to decrease over time due to collagen fibers that break apart as a person ages. In addition, the best candidates for liposuction do not have cellulite since this can cause skin irregularities in the skin after the procedure is complete.

Ideal Weight

It is important to remember that liposuction is not a weight loss procedure. Since liposuction only removes a few pounds of fat, candidates for liposuction should be at or close to their ideal body weight before the procedure is performed.

If you are unable to eliminate stubborn fat deposits from areas like your stomach, thighs, or arms, we encourage you to contact our Beverly Hills plastic surgery practice. The Diamond Face Institute offers body enhancement procedures performed by a board certified plastic surgeon personally selected by Dr. Jason B. Diamond. To schedule your consultation, please call (310) 859-9816 or fill out our online contact form today. We look forward to helping you achieve the look you desire!