Neck Lift

Why You Should Think About Getting a Neck Lift

It may come as a surprise to learn that your neck can age even faster than your face. The skin of the neck is thinner than facial skin and may significantly age your appearance before your face develops noticeable wrinkles and sagging skin. A neck lift with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jason B. Diamond can help you look as much as 10 years younger by correcting loose skin, eliminating fat deposits, smoothing out wrinkles and lines, and improving your neck and jawline definition.

Neck Lift Surgery Is On the Rise

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, national trends in plastic surgery showed more than a 17 percent increase in the number of neck lifts performed from 2014 to 2015. This trend reveals that more and more people are realizing just how much the appearance of their neck affects their overall appearance. Most neck lift patients tend to be between the ages of 51 and 64, though men and women of a younger or older age range may also be good candidates.

Do You Need a Neck Lift?

Candidates for neck lift surgery may have excess neck wrinkles, a double chin, jowls, poor neck and jaw definition, and/or loose, hanging skin from the neck. These signs of aging can cause you to look old and tired rather than youthful and refreshed. If you are bothered by the appearance of your aging neck, you may wish to consider the benefits of neck lift surgery. The neck lift procedure surgically removes excess skin, eliminates fat pockets, and tightens the tissues to create a younger, more attractively defined neckline. In so doing, the procedure also gives you a more youthful appearance overall. Dr. Jason Diamond has performed neck lift surgery on patients around the world and can create a customized surgical plan for you that will produce youthful, natural-looking results.

To learn more about neck lift surgery and whether it could be right for you, schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Diamond. Call (310) 859-9816 or fill out our online contact form to request your consultation today.