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Fox News Rhinoplasty

I was on the treadmill at the gym and was flipping through the channels to pass the time and I came upon fox news.  My attention was immediately captured by two blond women sitting on a panel of some sort.  They were side by side and their names were something like Megan Kelly and Lisa Weil.  I’m not sure what they were talking about but I am sure that those are two of the worst rhinoplasty results on cable news and they were side by side.  They otherwise are attractive women and obviously very intelligent people.  I would love to see them both get the revision rhinoplasties that they desperately need.  One of them has retracted nostrils that are asymmetric and an over-reduced bridge.  The other has a misshapen tip that is bulbous and quite abnormal in appearance.  I don’t know why I found this so amusing but I am just baffled that they are proudly displaying their faces on television with these odd appearing noses that a surgeon created in an effort to improve their appearances.  I guess I feel the same way about them that I feel about Bruce Jenner. With all due respect, someone should fix his unnatural surgically altered appearance.

By the way I lost 20 pounds over the last 5 weeks and I plan to lose 5 more…diet and exercise, diet and exercise!